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It feels like floating around, like you are in a vast sea. Not knowing where you are but knowing where you want to be. Not knowing how to get there and figuring it out as you go.  As I'm floundering around, I realized that I'm not where I want to be at the time I thought I'd be. I know everyone has their own pace in figuring out their lives. That  comparing yourself to other people don't do you any good. Knowing that in theory doesn't mean it's easy to action it out. Some people are born with privilege that they never counted; of having to be able to rely on their parents, of not having to shoulder their family's financial issues, of being born in a healthy family. I am not denying my own privilege, that my parents valued education, that I was born in a middle class family, that I got enough opportunities to do what I wanted.  I pointed out my own privileges.  Then pointed out the privileges I wish I had.  I blamed my environment, for putting me here, floati

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